Public consultation on the topic is closed.
We conducted consultation on the draft of the new Australian Government Drought Plan (draft plan) from 31 July to 20 September 2024.
Consultation consisted of targeted stakeholder meetings, as well as opportunities for written feedback via Have Your Say survey responses and submissions.
Representatives from 91 organisations met with us to give feedback on the draft plan. We met with:
Industry bodies
Rural Research and Development Corporations
Banking and professional services
Charities and not-for-profit organisations
Sustainable agriculture and innovation groups
First Nations
All levels of government
Key Australian Government networks, such as the Future Drought Fund Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hubs, Rural Financial Counsellors and Regional Development Australia.
Written feedback
We received 59 written submissions and survey responses on the draft plan.
Respondents represented a variety of different stakeholder groups including farming industry organisations, farming communities, charities and not-for-profit organisations, drought program providers, research and development organisations and governments.
We have published 49 submissions, as 10 submissions were submitted in confidence.
Survey statistics
We asked some questions about the draft plan.
83% of respondents agreed that the Australian Government’s approach to drought across the drought cycle was clear in the draft plan.
83% of respondents agreed that the draft plan was clear as to why the Australian Government’s drought policy and response is different to that for natural disasters.
70% of respondents agreed that Pillar 1 - Evidence based decision-making of the draft plan provided greater clarity about when, why, how and what the Australian Government will consider when determining its response to drought.
74% of respondents agreed that Pillar 2 – Strategic drought support of the draft plan provided greater clarity about how the Australian Government will respond across the drought cycle, including what support it will not provide.
Overall themes
There was general comfort with the policy outlined in the draft plan. The direct approach was welcome, particularly around drought declarations, the difference between drought response to that for natural disasters and the list of the types of support the government will and will not provide. Coverage of the range of the Australian Government support that is available was also welcome.
The most common issues raised were the need to:
Acknowledge the complexity of drought, and that drought impacts, and response, are not always linear.
Be clearer about the audience of the plan and the range of stakeholders that are impacted and/or have a role to play across the drought cycle.
Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Australian Government compared to the states and territories.
Be clearer about what the Australian Government will do in drought and how it will make decisions.
Explain more clearly how governments will work together to ensure drought policy and response is fit for purpose, including understanding the relationships between the range of complementary policies that link to drought.
Download the Australian Government Drought Plan from the department’s website.