Public consultation on the 2023 ASEL update has concluded.

The Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) provides the minimum animal health and welfare conditions for livestock throughout all stages of the export supply chain. The 2023 ASEL update addressed matters raised by stakeholders relating to the export of livestock by sea and by air.

What we did

We considered matters raised by stakeholders and proposed changes to the ASEL to maintain or improve animal health and welfare outcomes.

We undertook targeted and public consultation with internal and external stakeholders, and invited feedback from all stakeholders.

We considered all feedback when finalising the updated ASEL (version 3.3).

ASEL 3.3 commenced on 30 November 2023.


Your feedback helped us to ensure the standards reflect the most up to date information and science and remain fit for purpose.

We received 33 submissions during public consultation. Submissions, where permission to publish was provided, can be read in the document library. In some submissions the department has redacted personal information and images, where permission to publish has not been provided.

Read a thematic summary of the feedback received and the department’s response.

Next steps

The 2023 ASEL update is now concluded. Emerging or more complex matters that may have significant financial or regulatory implications for industry participants will be recorded and considered in future ASEL updates.

Feedback or questions on ASEL can be sent at any time to


  • Public consultation opens

    Monday 26 June 2023

  • Public consultation closed

    Friday 4 August 2023

  • 2023 ASEL update finalised and released

    30 November 2023

ASEL Review Team