We are undertaking a stocktake of priority areas for action identified through the previous Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS), which lapsed in 2014.
You are invited to have your say on whether the actions identified under the previous strategy remain important for a renewed, modern and future-focused AAWS.
This survey will ask you to consider the priority areas of action that were identified through the previous strategy for 6 animal group chapters:
Livestock and production animals
Aquatic animals
Animals in the wild (native, introduced and feral animals)
Companion animals
Animals used for work, sport and recreation
Animals used in research and teaching.
You are welcome to respond to only the chapters that are of interest to you.
You will also have the opportunity to provide additional comments or suggestions at the conclusion of the survey.
If you need guidance on which chapter is relevant to the animal sector you are most interested in, visit our website for more information.
Responses close at 4pm (AEST) on Monday 14 April 2025.