We have conducted the first round of public consultation on the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS).
A thematic analysis of the stakeholder feedback received through this consultation process, is available here:
Australian Animal Welfare Strategy: public consultation summary report [PDF 477 KB] [Word 1 MB]
Submissions to this first round of consultation, where permission to publish was provided, are available here.
Survey results
Survey results have been analysed and captured in the consultation summary. Individual results will not be published on this webpage.
The first round of public consultation included the release of a discussion paper through the Have Your Say web platform, which was open for input from 8 March 2024 to 30 June 2024.
The input through both surveys and submissions, and was open to all Australians to share views and insights on the following aspects of the renewed AAWS:
vision for the strategy
work streams
challenges and opportunities for animal welfare in Australia.
As part of the consultation process, we held meetings with a broad range of stakeholders from across the animal welfare system. The department also commissioned a series of focus groups and interviews with a broad range of stakeholders.
Focus groups and interviews sought input on the renewal of the AAWS and development of a National Statement on Animal Welfare, which will underpin the renewed AAWS.
Stakeholders from across the animal welfare system provided input throughout the consultation process, including:
animal industries
animal handlers
non-government representative organisations
research bodies
First Nations organisations
members of the public.
We received over 2200 survey responses and over 400 submissions in response to the renewal of the AAWS discussion paper. The discussion paper is available for download from the Important Links section on the right-hand side of this page. A list of stakeholders invited to focus groups and other meetings is available here: [PDF 196 KB] | [Word 247 KB].
This consultation was the first step in an extensive stakeholder engagement process that will take place as the AAWS is renewed.
Feedback received through this first round of consultation has provided valuable information to inform the development process and will help shape a national approach to animal welfare in Australia.
The public consultation summary report describes the next steps for development of the AAWS and the National Statement on Animal Welfare.
The National Statement on Animal Welfare will be developed during 2024. The renewed AAWS will be released in chapters, each dedicated to one of 6 animal groups defined in the discussion paper. The final renewed AAWS is expected to be published in 2027.
Subscribe to stay informed about the progress of the renewal of the AAWS and future engagement opportunities. Information and updates will also be provided through the Renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare (AAWS) webpage.